Time Remaining Estimator App

Use the Remaining Time Estimator app to quickly and safely calculate a remaining time for your chosen flow rate of your BOC Medical Oxygen or Heliox cylinder.

Using unique features of the BOC Integral Valve Oxygen or Heliox gas cylinder, the app allows you to quickly get a remaining time estimate without error prone calculations or incorrect assumptions about the cylinder and it’s content.

The app features two key functions:

  • Remaining Time Calculator gives a quick and safe remaining time for one or more cylinders, and allows you to set a reminder notification to check when it’s estimated to be running low.
  • Gas Calculator allows you to add up the amount of gas you have across multiple cylinders to get a snapshot in time of the amount of oxygen you have in litres and get an estimated remaining time if you used them all at a set flow rate.
The app is free and available to download from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store today.

Time Remaining Estimator App

Remaining Time Estimator App Overview
Remaining Time Estimator App FAQs